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earning peanuts now, and with the baby, I just can t
17. A play-by-play. A moment to moment description of events,
seem to make ends meet. Plus there are some things
either as they happen or after the fact.
that need to be fixed on the house, and problems with
18. To let someone off easy. To allow someone to get away with
the car that I ve let sit on the back burner for ages . . .
unacceptable behavior with only a light punishment. A similar
and I just can t afford to do that anymore.
expression is to let someone off the hook. This means to not
Brad: Well, if you ask me . . . you and that job? A match made
hold someone responsible for something, or to not punish him
in heaven. That job has your name on it. You d be
or her for a mistake or misdeed.
perfect for it . . . It wouldn t be like a new job at all, it d
19. To grab a bite. To eat a snack or light meal, usually outside of the
be more like a promotion. And you ve definitely got
Bonnie where you want her . . . Jolie left and they are
20. To be so hungry you could eat a horse. To be very hungry. Used
hard-pressed to fill the slot quickly. And you ve got all
the qualifications. Go tell Bonnie that you want that
21. To even the score. To settle things, to make things even, to arrive
at a fair resolution between two people.
Stephen: Yeah, I just want to make sure I ve got all my ducks in a
row before I step into her office.
22. To be on someone. To be someone s responsibility, especially
Brad: What ducks?! You need more money; you d be good at
the job; all you ve got to do is step up to the plate.
Stephen: Well, there s also the issue of my family life. I already
have my fingers in too many pies. I worry that I won t
be able to take on more responsibility. It will mean
18 Take the Bull by the Horns.
more to take home at night.
Brad: Okay . . .
Stephen: And I don t want to jump the gun. I mean, there s
Brad: Hey, Stephen! So what s the word?! Are you gonna go
always a good and a bad time to do these things . . .
for the Sales Director position? Have you talked to
and that position won t actually be open for another
Bonnie yet?
three months.
Stephen: Well, I m not sure. . . . I m still mulling it over. I heard
Brad: Listen . . . there s no time like the present . . . You know
Larry say he was going for the job, and that he was
what your obstacle in this is? You re not assertive
sure he was a shoo-in for the position. That kind of
enough. They need someone. Just take the bull by the
took the wind out of my sails. I don t know . . . what s
horns, march in there, and present yourself for the
your take on the situation?
52 53
Stephen: Do you really think so? 19. To have your fingers in too many pies. To be committed to too
many goals or projects.
Brad: Absolutely.
20. To take on. To make yourself responsible for something, to agree
Brad: Put your best foot forward. Remember . . . bull . . . horns
to an obligation.
. . . . Go for it!
21. To jump the gun. To do something too early, to act too quickly.
22. To take the bull by the horns. To approach a situation directly
1. To take the wind out of someone s sails. To take away someone s
and with determination.
enthusiasm or hope for something.
23. To put your best foot forward. To present your best attributes
2. A take on something. An opinion or interpretation of
and qualities.
3. To talk a big game. To exaggerate one s abilities or powers.
4. To back something up. To support, to lend evidence or strength
to something.
5. To be wet behind the ears. To be inexperienced or new at
19 Just Checking In . . .
6. In the same boat. In the same situation.
Father: Hello?
7. To be or get canned. To be or get fired.
Maya: Hey Dad! How are ya?
8. To pass up for something. To fail to consider for something or to
grant a reward for something. Father: Maya! Glad you called.
9. To earn peanuts. To earn very little money. Maya: Just checking in . . . How are things going?
10. To make ends meet. To earn enough money to pay for one s Father: Well, to tell the truth, we re having a rough time of it.
Maya: What s happening?
11. To be on the back burner. To be put off, to not be taken care of
Father: Well, your mother is feeling a bit under the weather.
Maya: Oh no. . . .
12. To be a match made in heaven. To be perfect together.
Father: Don t worry, she s caught a bug is all.
13. To have someone s name on it. To belong to someone, to be the
Maya: I hope she gets over it soon.
logical or rightful property or achievement of a particular
Father: Seems like a 24-hour thing . . . She ll be back on her feet
in a day or so, I think.
14. To get or have someone where you want him or her. To
Maya: That s good. I m sorry I haven t called in a few weeks. I
maneuver someone into a position or situation that benefits
was so far behind in my schoolwork, it took me some
time to get up to speed for my midterms. What s been
15. To be hard-pressed. To be pressured by extreme necessity to do
going on at home?
Father: Your mother and I were planning on calling you today
16. To fill a slot. To hire a person for an open or available position.
to give you some bad news.
17. To have your ducks in a row. To have everything orderly and
Maya: What happened?
planned out.
Father: Your great uncle Bill just passed away.
18. To step up to the plate. To volunteer yourself, to act responsibly
Maya: You re kidding! I talked to him only two weeks ago . . .
in a time of need.
He seemed fine.
54 55
Father: Yeah, we were sure he would pull through. But he got 5. To get over something. To no longer suffer the pain or
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