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[Russians] helped, based on the instruction from comrade developed. Comrade Nagy criticized the leadership;
Stalin, so that the ironworks would not stop. The coke is therefore, they excluded him from the Politburo. What
not secured for next year either. There are great excesses kind of respect for [critical] opinions is this? Deeply
in the field of major investments. The construction of the effective consequences must be drawn from the criticism
metro [subway] could have waited 5-6 years. The amount toward Comrade Rakosi. Is it not possible to produce a
of money invested in heavy industry has quadrupled since collective leadership made up of Hungarians? It is
1950. They are implementing [agricultural] collectiviza- impossible that a population of 9.5 million can not produce
tion without the appropriate economic basis, and, as a people that are suitable leaders. This situation in which
consequence, the collectives had a lower productivity rate one has not finished studying yet, the other one just
than the individual producers. started, must be changed; thus, there are no leaders with
This is a serious mistake. sufficient values.
The party newspaper reported [cases of] sentences in Comrade Rakosi can not work collectively. There are
which [a] peasant was imprisoned and fined for 3,000 capable people; they must be promoted and the relation-
forints because he fed 1.5 q sugar canes [to his animals]. ship [of the party] with the Hungarian people must be
The peasantry can not respect a system like this. improved.
They ask for a quarter million rubles of equipment for They are building the metro in Budapest. In the
the army when Hungary has problems with food supply. USSR they only started to build it in 1932. Moscow is the
Hungary has a debt of 360 million rubles to the people s capital of a country with 200 million people. The Hungar-
democracies. ian comrades are mistaken to start with the assumption that
They draw up strenuous plans that they can not fulfill. since it exists in Moscow; therefore, it must be quickly
The goods available to the populace in Hungary are of bad built in Budapest as well.
quality and expensive. There are no goods of good quality, Com. Malenkov: Certain question must have surprised
because they export those to try somehow to achieve the comrades. They would need to stay for another 2-3
balanced trade. The situation is not improving but getting days to develop and discuss the main regulations. We
worse. Everything is growing in Hungary, but the amount should meet once again. We could meet on Tuesday
of goods provided for the population is decreasing. afternoon.
(Examples for decreasing quantity: textiles, soap, etc.) The [Hungarian] comrades who spoke said themselves
Hungary has all the potential to bloom. It was that things were not going very well in Hungary. It is not
generally developing well until 1951, until success blinded an issue of minor details, but the correction of the political
line has become necessary, because there are problems recommendations must be prepared. We will meet on
with fundamental questions, and it also has to do with the Tuesday, and then we will discuss the recommendations.
question of leadership. Last time, when comrade Rakosi Com. Rakosi: Regarding hubris, that s an illness that one
was here, we talked with him in more immediate circles. can not detect, just like one can not smell one s own odor.
Comrade Rakosi could not name anyone among the If the comrades say this is the case, I accept it. (Beriia:
Hungarians as his primary deputy. This was an unpleasant Comrade, what do you think?)
surprise for us. Whenever someone s name came up, It must be said that I never wanted to be the President
comrade Rakosi always immediately had some kind of of the Ministerial Council. (Comrade Molotov: But you
objection, thus finally he could not name any Hungarian as wanted a President for the Ministerial Council that would
his primary deputy. In connection with this came the idea have had no say in decisions.)
that the comrades should be invited and we should discuss Comrade Beriia: We like you and respect you, that s
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